We held our Relief Society SOS kick off Event!
See what a delightful time we had chatting over our scrumptious Italian-themed Pot Luck dinner?

Some of the most touching moments of the night came during the program's beautiful musical numbers:

The first speaker of the evening was Sister Burton who shared a message about service and love. She talked about the Saviors example, and the many admonitions we have in the scriptures and from our modern day Prophets to serve our fellow men. She talked about the blessings that come into our own lives as we develop the attribute of love, and do our best to give that love away.
Following her message she outlined how the SOS program will work, and how we will document our progress:

The kickoff activity was such a nice evening, and we thank everyone who contributed to making it a success!
And a special thank you to Crystal for taking these pictures!
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